Results for 'Sergeĭ Vitalʹevich Valʹt︠s︡ev'

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  1. Dukhovnostʹ v kontekste psikhologicheskogo analiza.Sergeĭ Vitalʹevich Valʹt︠s︡ev - 2009 - Moskva: Mezhdunarodnyĭ institut otraslevogo obrazovanii︠a︡.
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    Maslikhin, Aleksandr Vitalʹevich: biobibliograficheskiĭ ukazatelʹ.Aleksandr Vitalʹevich Maslikhin - 2020 - Ĭoshkar-Ola, Cheboksary: String.
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  3. Burzhuaznai︠a︡ sot︠s︡iologii︠a︡ prava.Sergei Vasil Evich Bobotov - 1978 - Moskva: I︠U︡Rid. Lit..
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    Ėstetika chelovecheskoĭ sredy: VIII Ovsi︠a︡nnikovskai︠a︡ mezhdunarodnai︠a︡ ėsteticheskai︠a︡ konferent︠s︡ii︠a︡ (OMĖK VIII).Sergeĭ Anatolʹevich Dzikevich & Evgeniĭ Andreevich Kondratʹev (eds.) - 2017 - [Moskva]: Izdatelʹskie reshenii︠a︡ po lit︠s︡enzii Ridero.
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    Pami︠a︡tʹ i lichnostʹ: monografii︠a︡.Sergeĭ Grigorʹevich Kiselʹ - 2005 - Kharʹkov: UIPA.
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  6. Gastronomicheski-dukhovnoe v filosofskoĭ i psikhologo-pedagogicheskoĭ refleksii: monografii︠a︡.Sergeĭ Vasilʹevich Musiĭchuk - 2022 - Krasnodar: "Novat︠s︡ii︠a︡".
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    Metafizika very v russkoĭ filosofii.Sergeĭ Anatolʹevich Nizhnikov - 2001 - Moskva: Rossiĭskiĭ universitet druzhby narodov (RUDN).
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    Obʺedinennai︠a︡ metateorii︠a︡ logicheskoĭ semantiki: ontologicheskoe obosnovanie i postroenie logiki.Sergeĭ Afanasʹevich Pavlov - 2019 - Moskva: Reabilitat︠s︡ii︠a︡.
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  9. Chto izuchaet istoricheskiĭ materializm.Sergeĭ Vasilʹevich Sychev - 1966
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  10. Glavnoe v zhizni--chestno sluzhitʹ otchizne.Arseniĭ Vitalʹevich Kalachnikov - 1960
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    Dialektika proshlogo, nastoi︠a︡shchego, budushchego v sot︠s︡ialʹnom poznanii.Aleksandr Vitalʹevich Maslikhin - 1995 - Ĭoshkar-Ola: Mariĭskiĭ poligrafichesko-izdatelʹskiĭ kombinat.
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    Filosofskoe vvedenie v nauku.Aleksandr Vitalʹevich Maslikhin - 1994 - Ĭoshkar-Ola: Mariĭskiĭ poligrafichesko-izdatelʹskiĭ kombinat.
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    Values and symbolization of success in modern cinema.Svetlana Viktorovna Kovaleva, Elena Pavlovna Panova & Roman Vital'evich Reshetov - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The subject of the study is the figurative and symbolic reflection and transformation of the dynamic reality of life in the cinematic space of modern culture. The purpose of the work is to identify and substantiate trends in the development of cinematographic cultural texts based on the figurative and symbolic representation of the phenomenon of success in the existential space of human existence. The scientific novelty of the work is represented by the evidence base of the study, which determines the (...)
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    Dialectical logic: essays on its history and theory.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1977 - Moscow: Progress Publishers.
    This book traces the development of Dialectical Logic within the history of modern western philosophy, culminating in Marx s materialist dialectics. It brings out the essential contours of Logic through a detailed exposition of the ontological and epistem.
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    Dialektika abstraktnogo i konkretnogo v nauchno-teoreticheskom myshlenii.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1997 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
  16. Dialektika abstraktnogo i konkretnogo v "Kapitale" Marksa.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1960 - [Moskva]: Izd-vo Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR.
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  17. Dialekticheskai︠a︡ logika: ocherki istorii i teorii.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1984 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  18. Filosofii︠a︡ i kulʹtura.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1991 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  19. Iskusstvo i kommunisticheskiĭ ideal: izbrannye statʹi po filosofii i ėstetike.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1984 - Moskva: "Iskusstvo". Edited by A. G. Novokhatʹko.
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  20. Ob idolakh i idealakh.Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov - 1968
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  21. Philosophy of technology: an introduction.Val Dusek (ed.) - 1993 - Oxford: Blackwell.
    Ideal for undergraduate students in philosophy and science studies, Philosophy of Technology offers an engaging and comprehensive overview of a subject vital to our time. An up-to-date, accessible overview of the philosophy of technology, defining technology and its characteristics. Explores the issues that arise as technology becomes an integral part of our society. In addition to traditional topics in science and technology studies, the volume offers discussion of technocracy, the romantic rebellion against technology. Complements The Philosophy of Technology : The (...)
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  22. Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov v vospominanii︠a︡kh.G. V. Lobastov (ed.) - 2004 - Moskva: Filosofskoe ob-vo "Dialektika i kulʹtura".
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  23. Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov.Valentin Ivanovich Tolstykh (ed.) - 2008 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN.
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  24. Drama sovetskoĭ filosofii: Ėvalʹd Vasilʹevich Ilʹenkov: kniga-dialog.Valentin Ivanovich Tolstykh (ed.) - 1997 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t filosofii.
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    Colorear por números: la tecnología digital y el arte de vivir.Yvonne Förster - 2021 - Arbor 197 (800):a602.
    Lo digital descansa en la computación. La programación utiliza algoritmos. Los algoritmos son el conjunto de reglas que resuelven problemas en un número finito de pasos. En este sentido, el mundo digital está regido por cantidades, números, reglas fijas. El grado de libertad parece muy limitado. Por el contrario, la actividad artística y la creatividad descansan en la apertura, la libertad y en experiencias cualitativas. Estas experiencias no solo son vitales para la expresión artística, sino para la vida cotidiana. Los (...)
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    The aesthetic appreciation of nature, scientific objectivity, and the standpoint of the subjugated: Anthropocentrism reimagined.Wendy Lynne Lee - 2005 - Ethics, Place and Environment 8 (2):235-250.
    In the following essay, I argue for an alternative anthropocentrism that, eschewing failed appeals to traditional moral principle, takes (a) as its point of departure the cognitive, perceptual, emotive, somatic, and epistemic conditions of our existence as members of Homo sapiens, and (b) one feature of our experience of/under these conditions particularly seriously as an avenue toward articulating this alternative, the capacity for aesthetic appreciation. To this end, I will explore, but ultimately reject philosopher Allen Carlson's ecological aesthetics, and I (...)
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    On Contradictions within Socialist Economies.V. I. Mal'tsev - 1966 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 5 (2):46-53.
    The discussion of problems of contradiction in the development of the socialist economy has not thus far brought scholars to an agreed opinion on this question. The thought has been expressed in this regard that to frame the question as one of defining a basic contradiction of socialism is false and that under socialism only partial and temporary contradictions can occur, which spring up and are resolved in various periods of the development of socialist society.
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    La mémoire de la vie: la vie, ses origines et son futur.Edgar Morin - 2017 - Toulouse: Éditions de l'Attribut. Edited by Patrick Curmi & Marc-Williams Debono.
    Ce livre est né d'un débat qui s'est tenu à Evry en novembre 2015, intitulé « La mémoire de la vie » entre Patrick Curmi, biologiste, médecin et actuel président de l'université d'Évry Val d'Essonne, et Edgar Morin. Celui-ci développe l'idée motrice de son deuxième volume de La Méthode, « La vie de la vie », estimant qu'il est devenu vital de penser la vie. Non point d'éliminer la notion, au prétexte qu'elle serait surinvestie d'enjeux philosophico-idéologicoreligieux, ou de la déclarer, (...)
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    Introduction.Piers H. G. Stephens - 2018 - Ethics and the Environment 23 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:IntroductionPiers H.G. StephensThis special issue of Ethics and the Environment is dedicated to the philosophical contributions of our founding editor, Victoria Davion, who launched the journal in 1996 and edited it until shortly before her death in November 2017. Vicky was a pioneering figure in ecofeminist philosophy, as well as being both the first woman to become a full professor and the first to be chair of the Philosophy (...)
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    Naukata i zhiznenii︠a︡t svi︠a︡t: sbornik v chest na 60-godishninata na prof. Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov.Sergeĭ Gerdzhikov, Konstantin I︠A︡nakiev & Dimitŭr Elchinov (eds.) - 2017 - Sofii︠a︡: Universitetsko izdatelstvo "Sv. Kliment Okhridski".
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    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.Val Plumwood (ed.) - 1993 - Routledge.
    Two of the most important political movements of the late twentieth century are those of environmentalism and feminism. In this book, Val Plumwood argues that feminist theory has an important opportunity to make a major contribution to the debates in political ecology and environmental philosophy. _Feminism and the Mastery of Nature_ explains the relation between ecofeminism, or ecological feminism, and other feminist theories including radical green theories such as deep ecology. Val Plumwood provides a philosophically informed account of the relation (...)
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    Feminism and the Mastery of Nature.Val Plumwood - 1993 - Environmental Values 6 (2):245-246.
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  33. Explicit provability and constructive semantics.Sergei N. Artemov - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):1-36.
    In 1933 Godel introduced a calculus of provability (also known as modal logic S4) and left open the question of its exact intended semantics. In this paper we give a solution to this problem. We find the logic LP of propositions and proofs and show that Godel's provability calculus is nothing but the forgetful projection of LP. This also achieves Godel's objective of defining intuitionistic propositional logic Int via classical proofs and provides a Brouwer-Heyting-Kolmogorov style provability semantics for Int which (...)
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  34. Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason.Val Plumwood (ed.) - 2001 - New York: Routledge.
    In this much-needed account of what has gone wrong in our thinking about the environment, Val Plumwood digs at the roots of environmental degradation. She argues that we need to see nature as an end itself, rather than an instrument to get what we want. Using a range of examples, Plumwood presents a radically new picture of how our culture must change to accommodate nature.
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  35. The logic of justification.Sergei Artemov - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (4):477-513.
    We describe a general logical framework, Justification Logic, for reasoning about epistemic justification. Justification Logic is based on classical propositional logic augmented by justification assertions t: F that read t is a justification for F. Justification Logic absorbs basic principles originating from both mainstream epistemology and the mathematical theory of proofs. It contributes to the studies of the well-known Justified True Belief vs. Knowledge problem. We state a general Correspondence Theorem showing that behind each epistemic modal logic, there is a (...)
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  36. Nature, Self, and Gender: Feminism, Environmental Philosophy, and the Critique of Rationalism.Val Plumwood - 1991 - Hypatia 6 (1):3 - 27.
    Rationalism is the key to the connected oppressions of women and nature in the West. Deep ecology has failed to provide an adequate historical perspective or an adequate challenge to human/nature dualism. A relational account of self enables us to reject an instrumental view of nature and develop an alternative based on respect without denying that nature is distinct from the self. This shift of focus links feminist, environmentalist, and certain forms of socialist critiques. The critique of anthropocentrism is not (...)
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    Constructive Negations and Paraconsistency.Sergei Odintsov - 2008 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Here is an account of recent investigations into the two main concepts of negation developed in the constructive logic: the negation as reduction to absurdity, and the strong negation. These concepts are studied in the setting of paraconsistent logic.
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  38. Environmental Culture: The Ecological Crisis of Reason.Val Plumwood - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (4):535-537.
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  39. Justification logic.Sergei Artemov - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Agamben and Politics: A Critical Introduction.Sergei Prozorov - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Tracing how the logic of inoperativity works in the domains of language, law, history and humanity, 'Agamben and Politics' systematically introduces the fundamental concepts of Agamben's political thought and a critically interprets his insights in the wider context of contemporary philosophy.
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  41. The politics of reason: Towards a feminist logic.Val Plumwood - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (4):436 – 462.
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    Routley Star and Hyperintensionality.Sergei Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (1):33-56.
    We compare the logic HYPE recently suggested by H. Leitgeb as a basic propositional logic to deal with hyperintensional contexts and Heyting-Ockham logic introduced in the course of studying logical aspects of the well-founded semantics for logic programs with negation. The semantics of Heyting-Ockham logic makes use of the so-called Routley star negation. It is shown how the Routley star negation can be obtained from Dimiter Vakarelov’s theory of negation and that propositional HYPE coincides with the logic characterized by the (...)
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    Disentangling FDE -Based Paraconsistent Modal Logics.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2017 - Studia Logica 105 (6):1221-1254.
    The relationships between various modal logics based on Belnap and Dunn’s paraconsistent four-valued logic FDE are investigated. It is shown that the paraconsistent modal logic \, which lacks a primitive possibility operator \, is definitionally equivalent with the logic \, which has both \ and \ as primitive modalities. Next, a tableau calculus for the paraconsistent modal logic KN4 introduced by L. Goble is defined and used to show that KN4 is definitionally equivalent with \ without the absurdity constant. Moreover, (...)
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    Logic of proofs.Sergei Artëmov - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 67 (1-3):29-59.
    In this paper individual proofs are integrated into provability logic. Systems of axioms for a logic with operators “A is provable” and “p is a proof of A” are introduced, provided with Kripke semantics and decision procedure. Completeness theorems with respect to the arithmetical interpretation are proved.
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  45. Unusual coincidences, statistics and an intelligent influence.Sergei Chekanov - manuscript
    This paper argues that unusual coincidences, particularly those involving historical events, can be viewed as design patterns, suggesting an intelligent influence over the course of events. A compelling case examined in detail using probability theory concerns the presidencies of Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865) and John F. Kennedy (1917–1963). This and other coincidences involving historical figures disfavor the materialistic perspective and point to the presence of an intelligent agent acting on a global scale, beyond the arrow of time, influencing human lives and (...)
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    The Logic of Generalized Truth Values and the Logic of Bilattices.Sergei P. Odintsov & Heinrich Wansing - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (1):91-112.
    This paper sheds light on the relationship between the logic of generalized truth values and the logic of bilattices. It suggests a definite solution to the problem of axiomatizing the truth and falsity consequence relations, \ and \ , considered in a language without implication and determined via the truth and falsity orderings on the trilattice SIXTEEN 3 . The solution is based on the fact that a certain algebra isomorphic to SIXTEEN 3 generates the variety of commutative and distributive (...)
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    On the representation of n4-lattices.Sergei P. Odintsov - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (3):385 - 405.
    N4-lattices provide algebraic semantics for the logic N4, the paraconsistent variant of Nelson's logic with strong negation. We obtain the representation of N4-lattices showing that the structure of an arbitrary N4-lattice is completely determined by a suitable implicative lattice with distinguished filter and ideal. We introduce also special filters on N4-lattices and prove that special filters are exactly kernels of homomorphisms. Criteria of embeddability and to be a homomorphic image are obtained for N4-lattices in terms of the above mentioned representation. (...)
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    The Role of Exceptionalism in the Evolution of Bioethical Regulation.Sergei Shevchenko & Alexey Zhavoronkov - 2024 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 33 (2):185-197.
    The paper aims to present a critical analysis of the phenomenon and notion of exceptionalism in bioethics. The authors demonstrate that exceptionalism pertains to phenomena that are not (yet) entirely familiar to us and could potentially bear risks regarding their regulation. After an overview of the state of the art, we briefly describe the origins and evolution of the concept, compared to exception and exclusion. In the second step, they look at the overall development debates on genetic exceptionalism, compared to (...)
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    Foucault’s Affirmative Biopolitics: Cynic Parrhesia and the Biopower of the Powerless.Sergei Prozorov - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (6):801-823.
    While Foucault’s work on biopolitics continues to inspire diverse studies in a variety of disciplines, it has largely been missing from the debates on the possibility of “affirmative biopolitics” which have been primarily influenced by the work of Agamben and Esposito. This article restores Foucault’s work to these debates, proposing that his final lecture course at the Collège de France in 1983–1984 developed a paradigm of affirmative biopolitics in the reading of the Cynic practice of truth-telling ( parrhesia). The Cynic (...)
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    Intuitionistic epistemic logic.Sergei Artemov & Tudor Protopopescu - 2016 - Review of Symbolic Logic 9 (2):266-298.
    We outline an intuitionistic view of knowledge which maintains the original Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov semantics for intuitionism and is consistent with the well-known approach that intuitionistic knowledge be regarded as the result of verification. We argue that on this view coreflectionA→KAis valid and the factivity of knowledge holds in the formKA→ ¬¬A‘known propositions cannot be false’.We show that the traditional form of factivityKA→Ais a distinctly classical principle which, liketertium non datur A∨ ¬A, does not hold intuitionistically, but, along with the whole of (...)
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